Boosting ecological regulation of dry cereal insect pests - Senegal

Last update: 6 April 2018

Application to food crop systems in the groundnut basin, Senegal.
Duration: 2013-2015

In Senegal, the millet head miner moth (Heliocheilus albipunctella) is the main insect pest on millet crops, while the groundnut bruchid (Caryedon serratus) infests pods during field drying, which leads to substantial losses during storage. Boosting ecological regulation of pests could be one way of improving dry cereal and intercrop yields and quality, in collaboration with farmers. The project was intended to identify levers, from plot to landscape scale, for developing agro-ecological inesct pest management strategies.

Remote sensing, very high resolution satellite image processing and geographical information systems (GIS) were the main tools used to study insect spatial dynamics and the relevant ecological processes.

Research team coordinator: Cheikh Thiaw (ISRA-CNRA).

Partner organizations: CERAAS, CNRA, BIOPASS, CSE.


Last update: 6 April 2018